Vingcard Elsafe Troubleshooting Guide
My VingCard Elsafe safe box is not working well. Can you please let me now how to troubleshoot the problems and make it work again?
My VingCard Elsafe safe box is not working well. Can you please let me now how to troubleshoot the problems and make it work again?
How to Program Vingcard Lock?
My Vingcard 2800 suddenly showing New hotel. How do I bring it back to my Hotel address? And the password is not working. What to do?
When I go to power up my Vingcard 2800 card reader it says ‘IOException’ and freezes. I cannot check people into my hotel without having to let them in their rooms with the housekeeper’s key.
After a brief power surge our Vingcard 2800 stopped encoding, what do I need to do to fix it? Experienced a 2-second power surge and now can’t get any room keys to encode.
How do I clean my Vingcard 2800 keycard encoder? The system is prompting me to clean, but I don’t have a manual
Hi. My operator card has Expired and I could not log on to the Vingcard Visionline software. How can we fix the problem? It’s very important to me.
My Vingcard lockset interior handle is stuck in lock position instead of passive but opens from exterior with key card never had this problem before
Vingcard door lock battery going dead soon, what should i do?
I have a 2800 Vingcard Machine and it indicates light is very dark and hard to see/read. I have changed the lighting and contrast as far as it will go.