How to change ADT door lock code?

I am using an ADT door lock for my home door. I think my old user code is not safe anymore and I want to change it. How can I do this?

How to change ADT door lock code? 1

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Changing the code on an ADT door lock typically involves accessing the lock’s programming mode and entering a new code. And please note: ADT door locks generally use Kwikset SamrtCode 914 touchpad electronic deadbolt lock.

If you want to change the ADT lock user code, you must delete this old user code first and then add a new user code to change it.

Delete ADT lock user code:

  1. Keep the door open. Press the Program button once. The keypad will flash green, and you will hear three beeps.
  2. Press the Lock button once
  3. Enter the Mastercode.
  4. Press the Lock button once.
  5. Enter the user code to be deleted.
  6. Press the Lock button once.
  7. Re-enter the user code to be deleted.
  8. Press the Lock button once.

If programming is successful, the keypad will flash green once with one beep.

If programming is unsuccessful, the keypad will flash red three times with three beeps. Make sure to enter the same valid code in steps 5 and 7. Make sure to enter a valid Mastercode in step 3.

To add a new user code to ADT lock:

  1. Keep the door open. Press the Program button once. The keypad will flash green, and you will hear three beeps.
  2. Enter Mastercode.
  3. Press the Lock button once.
  4. Enter new user code.
  5. Press the Lock button once.

If programming is successful, the keypad will flash green once with one beep.

If programming is unsuccessful, the keypad will flash red three times with three beeps.

  • Ensure the user code is not duplicated and is between 4 and 8 digits during your next attempt.
  • Make sure the lock has room for an additional code. If all user codes are filled, delete a code to make room for this one. Make sure to enter a valid Mastercode in step 2.

Note: If your ADT door lock is integrated with a home security system, you might also be able to change the code through the system’s control panel or mobile app. Refer to the user manual or contact ADT customer support for specific instructions for your model.

If you’re unsure about any step or the above steps don’t seem to apply to your specific lock model, it’s always a good idea to consult the user manual or contact ADT’s customer service for assistance.

For more ADT door lock problems and troubleshooting, please check this article: ADT Door Lock Troubleshooting: Details Step by Step Guide.