RFID for Hotels: Why is RFID Important for Morden Hotels?

Last Updated on March 16, 2024 by Vincent Zhu

What is RFID for hotels?

RFID for hotels is a hotel that uses RFID technology to provide better services, such as an RFID hotel lock system. RFID technology allows the hotel to provide more efficient and personalized services and improve the service level.

What is an RFID hotel

  • RFID technology can be used in many areas of the hotel, such as guest check-in, identification, room access, room service, and more.
  • In some hotels with an automated system for checking guests in and out of rooms (keyless entry), guests never have to interact with a receptionist! When guests use an RFID hotel key card or wristband to enter their room for the first time, they are automatically checked into their room by the automated system.

What is RFID Technology?

RFID, or Radio Frequency Identification, is wireless technology. It’s used to identify objects and people via electromagnetic signals. It transmits the tag’s identity in digital data embedded in radio waves. RFID is like a barcode or magnetic stripe that can be read remotely and wirelessly.

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The information on an RFID tag doesn’t need to be scanned with a laser-like barcode. Instead, RFID tags use radio waves to transmit their data over short distances, so they don’t have to be close enough to touch you (or your wallet) when they send their identification number.

An antenna interacts with a reader application, sending and receiving information through radio waves from an antenna embedded in an RFID tag. The tag can then transmit this information to the reader via its antenna.

Advantages of RFID Technology

The technology behind RFID for hotel tags includes wireless communication to transmit data, and multiple tags are often used to identify individual objects. The sent data can include information about when certain items were integrated into the inventory, their location, and if they have already been distributed.

There are many advantages of using this technology in a hotel, one of which is that it allows for more effective and efficient inventory management.

The system can also track things past their destination during delivery, shipping, or after leaving the property. RFID tags are fast, accurate, and can cover large distances; this makes them ideal for an inventory management system.

Advantages of RFID Technology

Other benefits include:

  • The ability to read several items at once without having to open each package or look through each bag
  • It has a wide range of applications, including tracking property theft and loss prevention;
  • It can reduce costs since there’s no need for additional staff members or expensive equipment like scanners or barcode readers.
  • RFID technology can be used in many areas of the hotel, such as guest check-in, identification, room access, room service, and more.
  • Eliminating customer registration and eliminating customer queues will shorten customer waiting time.
  • RFID technology can minimize or eliminate the possibility of human errors.

Do hotels use RFID?

Well, yes, they do. At the same time, it’s not as widely known in mainstream media as other RFID technologies, such as those found in payment methods. RFID technology for hotels is the fastest-growing segment of the RFID industry.

Do hotels use RFID

Hotels are turning to RFID for solutions, with the hospitality industry increasingly looking for ways to improve efficiency and enhance the guest experience.

Hotels can use RFID tags to benefit both guests and staff members. The most common applications include:

  • Luggage tracking – customers often have to wait around at baggage claim until their luggage arrives. By placing an RFID tag on each luggage before check-in is complete, staff members can easily track where a bag is located, knowing when it has been delivered to the correct place. This makes the check-in process faster and more efficient while reducing stress on everyone involved.
  • Keyless entry – upgrade physical key hotel locks to RFID card hotel locks so guests can smoothly enter their room without worrying about losing their key or getting locked out due to faulty technology. This significantly improves customer satisfaction and reduces costs associated with replacing lost keys.

Why is RFID important for hotels?

RFID can help hotels run better and make their guests happier. Let’s take a look at the advantages of RFID for hotels.

  • RFID helps hotel staff identify where linens are located, which allows them to track inventory levels and reduce costs because they know when to reorder so they don’t have too much or run out.
  • It provides security by allowing staff to access areas that may be restricted – like an employee-only area off-limits to both customers and other employees.
  • It allows guests access only where they need it with certain cards that can open doors or provide other benefits, such as discounts on food purchases at participating retailers within the hotel property itself!
  • This way, people feel more comfortable staying in an unfamiliar location because many options are available when it comes time for them to leave their room again after relaxing inside.

What are the benefits of RFID in hotels?

RFID systems have multiple benefits for hotels:

What are the benefits of an RFID hotel system

Increased efficiency: A contactless RFID hotel system reduces time spent on key management while also helping to minimize energy consumption and avoid staff administration costs.

Provide a safe and secure environment for your guests: RFID tags are easily read by scanners at entrances, which means that only authorized personnel can enter certain areas of the hotel, such as VIP lounges or executive suites, without having their credentials verified first.

This also decreases employee theft because it’s harder for them to steal items from these areas if they don’t have access cards themselves!

Increased security: An RFID electronic lock can alert hotel owners when a key card is lost or stolen, allowing quick action during a break-in. Provide a safer environment for your guests and their possessions.

Improved guest experience: With an RFID hotel system, guests can enjoy a quicker contactless check-in process and greater control over their stay through automated room controls such as lighting and temperature adjustments.

Streamlined operations: An RFID door lock allows for inventory tracking of keys and remote access management by a property manager, who can use mobile technology to open doors or perform other tasks from virtually anywhere in the world

Increase hotel revenues: The key to hotel success is ensuring guests have a fantastic experience. Guests who enjoy their stay will be more likely to return and recommend your establishment to friends and family. In the competitive world of hospitality, this can increase revenue in the long term.

Reduce hotel operating costs: Re-keying your entire property as you encounter damaged locks and lost keys can cost up to $400 per room! With RFID technology, you can deactivate damaged key cards remotely whenever guests find or report them, saving you time and money in the long run.

Increase efficiency of staff members: It is easier for employees who work in different parts of the building, such as housekeepers vs. security officers.

They can now communicate through an app instead of having physical contact while on duty, which saves time and money spent on gas since no one has to drive anywhere just so someone else can get something done quicker than if they were doing it themselves!

What can RFID do for hotels?

After programming RFID hotel key cards in an RFID hotel, you can do the following:

How do hotel key cards work after being programmed

Using the elevator: RFID technology controls hotel elevators and prevents unauthorized access to high-risk areas. If your card or tag is near the reader, the elevator will automatically open its doors. This can be a good feature for those with disabilities and older adults with difficulty opening heavy doors.

Opening hotel doors: an employee carries an ID card that allows him to open specific doors and movements within the facility through RFID tags.

Power Hotel Rooms: RFID technology enables hotels to save energy by allowing guests to switch lights, air conditioning units, and equipment in their rooms with a simple tap of their cards or tags.

Making payments at the hotel: many hotels can now use RFID key cards for more than just room keys – guests can also make payments by simply tapping their hotel key into terminals in restaurants, bars, or retail stores where they are making purchases.

Enter another hotel public area: If you want to visit a casino or spa at another location in town, you can do so without having to check back into your room first because your key has been replaced by an RFID token that works like any other credit card – it’s easy! You swipe it through whatever machine needs access codes, and voila!

All set up! Remember not to lose it, though, because there’s no turning back!

What are the typical uses of RFID at hotels?

Here are some expected uses of RFID at hotels:

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  • RFID hotel lock system – for improved security and guest convenience of hotel rooms.
  • RFID hotel key cards help guests avoid carrying physical keys or fumbling with pin codes.
  • RFID hotel lock management software – to easily manage all the locks in your hotel.
  • RIFD hotel key card encoder – conveniently creating and updating keycards as required.
  • RFID Hotel elevator control – providing guests access to specific floors of your building without staff assistance by assigning them an access level (e.g., public areas, private rooms, restricted floor).
  • RFID Hotel Energy-saving switches – activate/deactivate room lights, ACs, and other electrical appliances in your hotels remotely while a guest is outside their room or away on vacation. This feature helps reduce energy wastage by ensuring that only the necessary devices are switched on during the stay.

RFID for hotel cost

RFID in hotel costs can be divided into several categories:

Labor costs

You will need someone to install the equipment and train the staff. Expect approximately 100 hours of labor at $200 per hour. You will also need someone to train your staff to use your purchased software. Expect about 40 hours of work at $150 per hour.

RFID hotel lock system costs

Purchasing RFID hotel locks, RFID card encoders, and RFID hotel key cards is much like buying office furniture; you get what you pay for! You may purchase the cheapest (and most likely less reliable) RFID products if you are more cost-conscious. However, if you want top-quality and durable products with excellent reliability, expect to pay more per unit.

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A typical RFID hotel kit for a 10-room hotel may cost about $4,000 plus freight charges and taxes.

For more information about hotel door lock system prices, please read this article: Hotel Door Lock System Price Analysis. 

Software cost

Software is usually charged on a subscription basis, where you pay monthly or annual fees based on one or more factors, such as the number of users or rooms in your facility. Most providers include training with their software subscriptions so your employees can learn how to use it correctly with minimal downtime to your business operation.

Custom RFID Hotel

RFID technology can be completely customized to meet the needs of your hotel. This means that you can get the exact features you need. For example, the cost of a custom RFID solution is based on the scope of your project; however, most solutions fall within the same price range as off-the-shelf options.

Custom RFID solutions for hotels with greater flexibility and control over their system. Some examples of custom features include:

  • A website for guests to book reservations and create hotel accounts lets guests make purchases at vending machines or gift shops simply by swiping their cards.
  • Like our existing Android app, a mobile app uses the NFC capability to allow guests to check into their rooms and unlock doors simply by tapping their phone on the door reader. This can also act as a digital room key for those hotels that want to upgrade from traditional metal keys.
  • Setting permissions for each room so that only certain users can access it (parents can give temporary access to babysitters) or so that rooms are restricted from being accessed during particular dates or times (for example, it may be desirable to limit access after 11 PM).

Here are more custom options for RFID for hotels if you buy RFID hotel system products from ShineACS Locks:

Custom RFID hotel key cards

  • Custom RFID key hotel fobs are great for festivals, events, and water-based destinations.
  • Custom RFID wristbands for hotels: Wristbands are usually used at events to connect guests to their rooms and make participating in all the activities easier.
  • Custom RFID luggage tags for hotels: Luggage tags make traveling convenient for guests when they arrive at your destination. A small detail makes a big difference in the guest experience.
  • Custom parking passes for hotels: Parking passes may be necessary depending on your destination or facility (hospitality or not). They can be customized with logos, names, or other details you’d like added.
  • Custom RFID VIP cards for hotels: VIP access cards allow you to give special privileges only available through our service! Now offering custom printing with variable data options for personalized touchpoints like no other supplier offers in America today!
  • Custom RFID door locks for hotels: You can custom RFID hotel locks with your hotel logo. Then, whenever the hotel guest opens the hotel room, they will notice your hotel.
  • Custom RFID lock system software for hotels: Also, you can custom hotel lock system software with your hotel name, logo, contact information, etc.

RFID for hotel technology and market growth

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is expected to grow at a CAGR of 12.6% between 2019 and 2025. According to the RFID market, value is set to increase from $9.8 billion in 2018 to $27.65 billion in 2025, according to MarketsandMarkets.

RFID hotel technology and market growth

COVID-19 has negatively impacted the growth of the RFID market, with some companies reporting a 10-20% drop in demand for their products due to the pandemic.

Despite this, top companies such as Impinj, Texas Instruments Incorporated, and NXP Semiconductors have reported continued growth in RFID sales since 2019, with an average increase of 10% over the past year for these three companies alone.

It’s essential, therefore, to highlight that despite COVID-19 having an impact on hotel operations globally and potentially on investment in new technologies such as RFID, its use will continue as it can help improve hotel operations today and into the future through increased security, improved guest experience and reduced costs due to efficiency gains across several aspects of hotel operations including housekeeping, inventory management, and room access control.

How do you choose an RFID lock supplier for hotels?

RFID locks are used in hotels to protect the privacy and security of guests and their assets. It is an essential part of RFID for hotels.

However, choosing an RFID hotel lock supplier should not be done lightly. The following is a list of things to consider when selecting an RFID hotel lock supplier:

How to choose an RFID hotel lock supplier

Reputation: Choose a reputable RFID hotel lock supplier with good reviews from past customers.

Product quality: Select an RFID hotel lock supplier with high-quality products lasting years.

Professional technical support and customer service: Choose an RFID hotel lock supplier who offers professional technical support, such as installation instructions or troubleshooting guides for customers. This support can save you time in the long run by preventing problems before they occur!

Reasonable price: Choose based on warranty(the length of time your purchase will be covered by warranty), product features (such as touch screens and voice commands), technological advancements like fingerprint recognition software), etcetera.

Engaged in the hospitality industry: a company that offers services for hotels, motels, resorts, or spas. This will help you choose the right product for your property and provide valuable information about using it properly at your business premises if needed.

Offer custom solutions: to meet any needs you have now or may have down the road before signing any contracts, so there won’t be surprises when things start going work! (This is what happens when things go wrong).

Bonus points are if they can communicate their ideas effectively in written form through emails, etc. This can help save time since many prefer written communication over talking face-to-face.

Consider warranty when choosing your supplier. How long does the warranty last? Does it cover all components of the locks? Will parts need to be replaced within a certain period, and if so, will this be covered by the warranty?

Support and training are essential things to consider when choosing a supplier: do they provide installation training as well as after-sale services like customer support via phone or email; what is their response time; do they offer 24/7 technical support; what kind of training services do they provide – online demo/video, webinars, etc.; do they provide user manuals.

Which companies offer an RFID solution for hotels?

Some of the most popular hotel RFID solutions include, but are not limited to, the Salto system and Onity.

Other RFID technology providers that you should consider:

ASSA ABLOY is a Swedish lock manufacturer that acquired Onity in 2016. This company’s locks provide high-quality, advanced security with a product line that focuses on protecting multiple access points simultaneously.

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VingCard: VingCard is one of the leading brands worldwide regarding RFID hotel locks. Its products include advanced security options and keyless entry solutions that can be customized to your hotel’s needs.

Salto Lock: It doesn’t matter if you need to secure storage rooms for your staff or your house; SALTO is one of the top brands for security. They have led innovation in smart locking solutions for over 20 years.

Onity Lock. Among its many products, Onity offers intelligent locking systems to enhance hotel security and provide more convenience through access controls like smartphone connections and Bluetooth technology integration.

Dormakaba. This brand provides high-tech RFID electronic lock solutions for hotels worldwide, known for their durability and efficiency in preventing unauthorized entry into rooms or other areas of a property.

ShineACS Locks is a Chinese company that manufactures RFID-based locks for apartments and hotels. If you want to change your hotel door lock, check our TThotel door lock system to help you manage your hotel room door more safely, remotely, and conveniently with your phone.

What hotels are using RFID technology today?

Hotels using RFID technology in some form or another today include Hilton, InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG), Hyatt Hotels Corp., Starwood Properties, and Marriott International.

Individual hotel brands that use the technology from these companies include Westin Hotels & Resorts, Sheraton Hotels & Resorts, W Hotels, Hyatt Regency, and others. Property size often plays a role when a property adopts RFID lock technology.

If you’re staying at one of these hotels (or any other hotel that uses RFID technology), it’s essential to understand what they use it for and how they might benefit from your stay.

In one example of this process, as reported by Hotel News Now’s David Eisen: “When guests arrive at a property and sign into their room with an RFID-enabled card or smartphone app, information such as their name, room number, and door opening will be recorded in the hotel’s system of record.

This means hotels have unique data on each guest entering through the door.” Additionally, he writes: “RFID locks provide data on who enters a hotel room—information that can help identify employee misbehavior and prevent theft.”

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About Author

  • Vincent Zhu

    Vincent Zhu has 10 years of smart lock system experience and specializes in offering hotel door lock systems and home door lock system solutions from design, configuration, installation, and troubleshooting. Whether you want to install an RFID keyless door lock for your hotel, a keyless keypad door lock for your home door, or have any other questions and troubleshooting requests about smart door locks, don't hesitate to contact me at any time.

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